Pauline Bewick RHA

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Pauline Bewick RHA

Pauline Bewick is an artist with a distinct, recognisable style and presently one of the leaders in contemporary Irish art. She was born in 1935 and brought up on a farm in Co. Kerry by her mother, who the artist claims has been a great influence on her work.  She went on to move from town to town around England and Wales, attending a string of ‘progressive’ schools before enrolling at an art college in Dublin. In 1958, her mother Alice (‘Harry’) Graham Bewick wrote a book called ‘A Wild Taste’ on their lives and Pauline’s upbringing. 
She began to paint at the age of two, with these early works being made part of her ‘Two to Fifty’ exhibition. Her paintings often portray a personal philosophy, such as ‘The Yellow Man’ which is meant to represent her ideal being.
Bewick has held exhibitions in the Clog Gallery, Dublin (1957), the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin (1996) for her largely successful “The Yellow Man” show and the Guinness Hop Store (1985), where her exhibition “Two to Fifty” drew in record attendances. Pauline also donated 500 pieces of her own art work to the Irish State which are displayed in Waterford and Kerry. She has been commissioned to do a number of illustrations for books, magazines and a series of short programs called “Little Jimmy” for BBC television.

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