Henry J. Foy

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Artist Bio

Henry James Foy, a landscape painter in oils was born in Belfast in 1920. He was a keen fisherman, had a great knowledge of rivers and used this in his landscapes. Harry, as he was known, had no formal art training and spent his working career with BT.


His holidays were spent in the west of Ireland during which he was able to gather a collection of reference material in the form of photographs and field sketches. These were later used to make finished paintings for sale. He used Rodman’s and F G Davis & Sons both in Belfast, a gallery in Grafton Street, Dublin and also one in Limerick as well as sending his paintings to the US and Canada.


He finished his painting career around 1973 then took up mineralogy, building himself up to a world authority in the zeolites found in the County Antrim basalt. Many of the specimens collected are now in the Ulster Museum.

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